Igor & Moreno present ‘Andante’ at The Place (London)

The French mystic and philosopher Simone Weil wrote that “attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity”. Andante’ is an invitation to pause, to connect with your senses, to be in a room with others and not have to say or even see anything. It is conceived as a generous and patient walk into a cloud of attention and time. The word andante refers to a type of musical movement that is moderately slow or distinct. It originates from the Italian word andare which means “to go”. Igor and Moreno make hypnotic and visceral works exploring people’s needs and desires. ‘Andante’ follows on from international tours of acclaimed works ‘Idiot-Syncrasy’ and ‘A Room For All Our Tomorrows’.

Igor Urzelai and Moreno Solinas are two London-based artists. They started creating collaboratively in 2007; they founded ‘BLOOM! dance collective’ in 2009 and ‘Igor and Moreno’ in 2012. Their work is characterised by their interest in the moving body and the immediacy of action as a vehicle for meaning, ideas and desires.

Igor and Moreno have received a number of awards and recognitions, including the Rudolf Laban Award 2010, top-20 Aerowaves 2011, 2013 and 2015 and an artistic residency at the Prix Jardin D’Europe; most recently they have been nominated for the Total Theatre Awards 2015 and selected for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival British Council Showcase 2015.

They are currently Work Place artists at The Place and associate artists at TIR Danza. In 2013, they premiered ‘Idiot-Syncrasy’ and in 2015, they premiered ‘A Room For All Our Tomorrows’; both duets continue to tour internationally.

Igor and Moreno want to reclaim the role of the theatre as a place for assembly and explore the cathartic properties of live performance. They make work about people and what makes us such special animals whilst creating a frame to share their views without dictating a single reading and instead creating space for reflection for the viewer.

Directed by:
Igor Urzelai and Moreno Solinas
Devised and Performed by: Giorgia Nardin, Eleanor Sikorski, Moreno Solinas and Igor Urzelai
Dramaturge: Simon Ellis
Sound Composition: Alberto Ruiz Soler
Set and Costume Design: Kasper Hanser
Costume Supervisor: Sophie Bellin Hansen
Lighting Design: Seth Rook Williams
Voice Coach: Melanie Pappenheim
Producer: Sarah Maguire Production Manager: Hannah Blamire

Please note that this performance involves a number of dramatic stage effects including smoke and scent.

Text, vídeo and image © Igor & Moreno

Igor and Moreno: ‘Andante’
2, 3 and 4 November 2017 at 8pm
The Place. 17 Duke’s Road London WC1H 9PY UK

Igor & Moreno Website: www.igorandmoreno.com

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