We live in a world with an extraordinary amount of diverse data yet not all data is created or perceived in the same way. We find real-time data, historical data, scientific data, digital data, memory data, the list goes on.
Brit Es Magazine
Brit Es Magazine
Brit Es Magazine Editorial team at London, Edinburgh, Madrid and A Coruña.
Our favourite film festival in Scotland is back! IberoDocs, focused on documentary films by Spanish, Portuguese and Latin- American filmmakers is bringing this year 15 award- winning films (of which 14 are premieres in Scotland) cover 11 countries and 10 different languages.
Jazzoleá at Tuned In London
Wed 19th April 2017
Made up of artists from Seville, Barcelona and London, Jazzoleá captures the mystery of Flamenco, channels it through that ever changing phenomenon we know as Jazz and adorns it with a dance form which merges the spirit of Andalusia with the rhythm of swing. Esther Weekes combines these two dazzlingly masterful talents, singing & dancing, in this unique & spell-binding collaboration.
If all the ways I have been along were marked on a map and joined up with a line, it might represent a Minotaur. Pablo Picasso
Gagosian Gallery, in partnership with the artist’s grandson, Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, is pleased to present “Picasso: Minotaurs and Matadors,” curated by Sir John Richardson.
The Spanish composer and conductor Òscar Colomina i Bosch was announced as new Director of Music of the Yehudi Menuhin School, becoming the sixth Director of Music of the internationally renown specialist music school founded by Lord Menuhin in 1963 in Surrey, England.
On 17th of March, its was launched a 40 day crowdfuning campaign to cover the production costs of the performance ‘The Cardboard Gondolier’ .. It will take place in Venice, on 10th of May, in San Trovaso Canal. It is a symbolic place, the site of the most famous gondola workshop in Venice, called “Squero”. The artistic action will be curated by Miguel Mallol.
Cervantes Theatre presents this month ‘Darwin’s Tortoise’ (La Tortuga de Darwin), a play by the renowned Spanish playwright, Juan Mayorga directed by Paula Paz. The show will be presented in both Spanish and English with a translation by David Johnston.