Galdós produced a very disappointing translation of Dickens. Blasco Ibáñez plagiarised translations of Shakespeare. Some translators missed pages out of their translations and complete versions have only recently become available. And all of them, according to Eduardo Mendoza, are suffering from the same malady, the anger that takes over translators. It has only been a few years since decent translations by Spanish authors started to appear, Spanish authors lending their voices to English authors who they admired, or whose works inspired them.
Elsa Veiga

Elsa Veiga
Writer and Literary Critic. She has a degree in Hipanic Studies from the "Universidad Autónoma de Madrid". During two years she cataloged the poet Jorge Guillén manuscripst at the National Library of Madrid working with the academic D. Claudio Guillén. Elsa is a Spanish teacher, works as editor and proofreader for differents publications and agencies in Spain. Short Story Award at Binéfar (Huesca) in 2009 and finalist in the XXVII Ana María Matute de Relato Award (2015).
My love affair began in 2007. It’s one of those literary love stories, not because it mirrors those that appear in books but because it’s about the relationship between books and a reader. More specifically, between an independent publisher and myself.