Directed and produced by Zaragoza native Javier Senz, ‘Manchester Keeps On Dancing’ is a documentary that takes a look at how house music got started in the city of Manchester during the 1980s. It serves as a reminder of just how important this city was as the first music scene in Europe to import house music from the north-eastern United States, before going on to expand this brand-new genre. The story is told by the DJs themselves, not to mention the managers of nightclubs like The Haçienda, which were responsible for taking house music to the heights it reached. It also features names from today’s scene, who are keeping the spirit of house music alive.
Trailer for Ham and Passion, a triple bill of dance choreographed by Carlos Pons Guerra for DeNada Dance Theatre. / Works: Young Man!, O Maria and Passionaria. / Performed by Victoria Da Silva, Sabrina Ribes Bonet, Joao Maio and Margherita Eliot. / Filmed by Dan Tucker.