
The 10th edition of Photo Scratch is here! A night for new ideas, Photo Scratch is an opportunity for documentary photographers to understand how their work is perceived and gain valuable insight into how to take their work further with the benefit of other people’s outside eye. For spectators this is an opportunity to preview projects, offer feedback, and engage in conversations about photography.
10th to 27th of November 2016
La Movida Madrileña 75/85 exhibition
Red Gallery, London
The exhibition includes photographs by Miguel Trillo, magazines, posters, videos and an exclusive screening of ‘A Freer Time Was Had By All ‘documentary by Beatriz Alonso Aranzábal.
Blanca Berlín is the only Spanish gallery invited to the event at this edition of the fair. The Spanish gallery will be showcasing works by Cecilia Paredes, Isabel Muñoz, Flor Garduño, Ramón Masats, Martin Chambi, Nicolas Muller, Miguel Soler-Roig and many others.
For this exhibition Juan delGado travelled to Greece, Macedonia and Calais to record the journeys taken by refugees. delGado has not filmed these ‘invisible’ people but the places they have passed through and the traces of their existence they have left.
Pedro Font Alba is one of the fifty Spanish artists portrayed in ‘Art On The Move’. I had met this lively and energetic architect in several cultural events around London because he is one of the co-founders of SCAN (Spanish Contemporary Art Network), a platform that promotes Spanish artists where he is doing a remarkable job.
Mannequins, people, objects: all of them are given the same importance in MANIfashion. The dreamy eyes of the mannequins trigger our imagination in the same way as the sensuous women in Hernandez’s fashion shoots or the tomatoes confronting each other in one of his still lives. All of them are seen by the same eyes, the piercing eyes of Lorenzo Hernandez.
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