Immortality it’s possible. At least for the Turritopsis dohrnii, popularly known as the immortal jellyfish. Silently invading our waters, this creature will reproduce and then, faced with the normal career path of dying, it will opt instead to revert to a sexually immature stage. And not just once: it will do it over and over again, eternally flowing into the sea. With no organs or brain to focus on, the only way to research on this creature is by observing its movements that constantly repeat.
The Ryder

Brit Es Magazine and MAV Mujeres en las Artes Visuales (Women in the Visual Arts) are delighted to announce the presentation of the five artists selected for the Women in the Visual Arts Biennial 2018 in a two-day event in London.
The Ryder announces for next month the first UK solo exhibition of Andrés Pereira Paz (La Paz, Bolivia, 1986).
The constant shift in a sense of identity set against the endless fluctuation of people and narratives are the conditions in which artist Andrés Pereira Paz likes to operate. His works examine the role that pre-Hispanic and postcolonial arts and crafts play in the construction of cultural identity. Appropriating Andean imagery he explores how the collective and individual can both support and undermine one another in this process.